Green-Light It! What To Do Once You Think You’re Ready to Publish with Brooke Warner

December 31, 1969 @ 4:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Encinitas Community Center
1140 Oakcrest Park Dr
Encinitas, CA 92024
$20.00 ($10.00 for Members)
Robbie Robinson
Green-Light It! What To Do Once You Think You’re Ready to Publish with Brooke Warner @ Encinitas Community Center | Encinitas | California | United States

Your manuscript is ready to become a book, so now what? You know there are multiple paths to publishing, so how do you approach your options? Traditional barriers to publishing are higher than they’re ever been, and there are myriad nontraditional publishing solutions, from DIY self-publishing to hybrid presses. In this presentation, publishing expert and publisher Brooke Warner explains the changing publishing landscape, and why the majority of authors today are becoming successful independently published authors—whether they initially pursue traditional publishing or not. This conversation will cover what it takes not only to green-light your own book, equipping you with a much-needed understanding of the most popular publishing platforms, but also what you need to know to help your book reach its readers and to succeed as an indie or hybrid author.

Brooke Warner is publisher of She Writes Press, president of Warner Coaching Inc., and author of What's Your Book?, Green-light Your Book (forthcoming), How to Sell Your Memoir, and the co-author of Breaking Ground on Your Memoir. Brooke’s expertise is in traditional and new publishing. She is the former Executive Editor of Seal Press and currently sits on the boards of the Independent Book Publishers Association, the Bay Area Book Festival, and the National Association of Memoir Writers. She blogs actively on Huffington Post Books and She lives and works in Berkeley, California

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