Publishers & Writers of San Diego
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Publishers & Writers of San Diego -- Newsletter -- April 2006

== Special offer from Lee Silber at March meeting ==

For those of you at the Barnes & Noble meeting/field trip on Saturday, you know we were all treated to an engaging, humorous, and enlightening view into the world of traditional publishing by our guest expert, Lee Silber. For those of you who weren't there, here is a special deal straight from Lee.

Anyone who was at Barnes & Noble Saturday was offered a selection of resources -- insider information that Lee has compiled from his experience as a best-selling and award-winning author of 11 books. This information is absolutely invaluable because it is not theoretical, but time-tested and proven in the real publishing world.

Lee is extending this offer to anyone who's a member or supporter of PWSD -- but only until April 15.

Follow the directions below, and if you'd like to be added to Lee's list for notification of future speaking engagements, or for info on other resources, go to

1. Print this section and simply indicate which of the items below you are interested in and your mailing information.

2. Make the appropriate payment by check to Lee Silber -- including $2.00 for postage (unless you're buying the full package).

3. Mail your order and your check to Lee at 822 Redondo Court, San Diego CA 92109 by April 15.

____ Sample press kit $10.00

____ Sample marketing plan $10.00

____ Sample book proposal $10.00

____ Sample query letters $ 5.00

____ All of the above $35.00
(Includes bonus writer's resource pack, copyright information, a copy of Lee's "Summer Stories" book, and postage -- $26.00 value)


Mailing address:

Email address:

Please print clearly! Orders must be received by April 15, 2006. All packages will be sent out at that time.


== Member Kevin Kilpatrick now maintaining PWSD website ==

Many thanks to Kevin for volunteering to maintain our website. As the central point of communication for our members and supporters, outside of our meetings, our website is a critical component of our association. With Kevin's help, and as time allows, we hope to make the site even better and more useful for everyone.


== New Orleans libraries are rebuilding and need books ==

New Orleans Public Library is asking for any and all hardcover and paperback books to restock the shelves after Katrina. The library staff will assess which titles will be designated for the shelves. The rest will be distributed to destitute families or sold for library fundraising. The books can be sent to:

      Rica A Trigs, Public Relations
      New Orleans Public Library
      219 Loyola Avenue
      New Orleans, LA 70112

If you point out to the post office that the books are for the library in New Orleans, they will give you the library rate, which is less than book rate.


== PMA University, Washington DC, May 2006 ==

If you haven't already received information on the annual PMAU, which precedes BookExpo America each May, you can check out the conference details at It is *the* national event for independent publishers, self-publishers, authors, and writers, and highly recommended by PWSD. Each year, numerous PWSD members are presenters and/or participants -- we hope to see you there!


== "How to Sell 1 Million Copies of Your Info Products to Corporations" ==

And prior to PMAU, our very own Paulette Ensign will be your expert facilitator and tour guide for "How to Sell 1 Million Copies of Your Info Products to Corporations" on Tuesday, May 16, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. (in Washington DC). Details are at Register now to save money and while seats are still available.


== Links page ==

If you've overlooked the Links page on our website, check it out. There may be a resource or connection on there that you could use right now.


== PMA and SPAN ==

PWSD is an affiliate of Publishers Marketing Association (PMA) and Small Publishers of North America (SPAN). And as such, our members are entitled to a discount membership with both organizations. As national organizations with thousands of members, they offer tremendous benefits, such as discounts on printing, shipping, and travel with their preferred vendors. There are many other advantages to membership, and we suggest you visit their websites at and to learn more.


== Andrew Chapman's marketing tip of the month ==

When doing a book event (think "event", not "signing"), incorporate a raffle give-away following your presentation or whatever you may do. Set up whatever drawing method you choose. (Names in a box, hand out numbered tickets, etc.) Then, let people know beforehand, and at the beginning, that you'll be giving away an autographed copy of your book (or whatever prize) at the end. This method will greatly increase the number of people who stay until the end of your event, and therefore likely increase the chances of book sales. Keep in mind, however, that in some areas it may be illegal to make the raffle purchase-based; i.e., they have to buy (such as your book) to enter. At that point, it becomes a lottery and is subject to a variety of laws. So, keep it simple, keep it free, and you'll be better off.

If you are a PWSD member and would like us to publicize your upcoming event or news, please inform us by emailing If you are on this newsletter list but are not a PWSD member, join now!! PWSD accepts notice of non-member events, but will choose to publicize them on a case-by-case basis.

PWSD (Publishers & Writers of San Diego) is a not-for-profit unincorporated association of publishing professionals in San Diego. Our goal is to offer resources, share information, present relevant topics at our event meetings, and provide a networking forum for our members. Membership is $37 per calendar year. Meeting fees for Members are $10, Non-Members $15, payable by cash or check only.

Copyright 2006 Publishers & Writers of San Diego