Amy Collins: Advantages and Challenges of Working with a Distributor

December 31, 1969 @ 4:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Carlsbad Dove Library
1775 Dove Lane
Plaza Paseo Real, Carlsbad, CA 92011
$15.00 ($10.00 for Members)
Karla Olson

Amy Collins, President of New Shelves Distribution, will talk about the advantages and challenges of working with a distributor to get your book into bookstores. She will outline how to choose the best distributor for your book, and how to put together the best presentation and marketing plan to get your book accepted by one of the top distributors. Amy will also present a realistic picture of a sales call with the top bookbuyers at the national chains, and what you as author/publisher can do to make sure your book gets the best chance to succeed in the bookstore.

Amy started her career in the book industry as the book buyer for Village Green Books in Rochester, New York. In 1996, she became a National Account Rep for Prima Publishing.  In 2001, Amy was named Director of Sales at Adams Media in Boston and quickly rose to the Special Sales Director for parent company, F+W Media.  Over the years, she has sold to Barnes & Noble, Target, Costco, Borders, Books-A-Million, Wal-Mart, and all the major chains as well as helped launch several private label publishing programs for the book chains and companies such as PetSmart and CVS. In February 2006, she started a book marketing company for small presses that quickly became the fastest-growing book distribution company in North America, New Shelves Distribution.

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