Publishing Professional Standards Illustrated with Teri Rider

December 31, 1969 @ 4:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Carlsbad Dove Library
1775 Dove Ln
Carlsbad, CA 92011
$20.00 ($10.00 for Members)
Karla Olson

One of the things we as self or indie publishers want to avoid is creating a book that looks like it was self-published. To a trained eye, those things that are tells are obvious, but to those who are new at publishing or haven’t been exposed to some of the finer details, all that is apparent is that it just doesn’t look right.

In this presentation, Teri will give an overview of the IBPA Industry Standards Checklist with an emphasis on production and design, showing examples of many of the details.

Headshot Teri RiderTeri Rider worked in traditional publishing for over 10 years, immersing herself in almost every aspect of the business from marketing to illustration, design and production. Now, after over 3 decades in the field, hybrid publishing is her specialty and through her company, Top Reads Publishing, Teri leads authors either to self-publish or publish under her imprint.

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