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May 26, 2012
The Author-Agent Relationship and Your Publishing Options
at the Carlsbad Dove Library
Kevan Lyon
This is a double-loaded program -- addressing public speaking and marketing skills!
In this interactive program, you will discover the Mother Lode of use-able ideas:
- Tap into the rich veins of unique markets for selling your books
- Strike it rich in the streams of self-publishing
- Leverage public speaking to promote your book, gain credibility -- and boost sales! Mine more nuggets from your efforts to build your empire
- "The Golden Guide" -- what gets placed where in your promotional materials to get radiant results
What's a "dynasty" you ask? Our speaker has created over 100 products and programs, including seminars, teleclasses, webinars, workshops, audio programs, DVDs, etc., and published 13 books (so far)....