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2009 ScheduleJanuary 31 February 21 — Note: a week earlier than normal due to venue availability March 28 April 25 May 23 — Note: a week earlier than normal due to conflict with IBPA Publishing University June 27 August 1 — Note: a week later than normal due to facility availability August 29 October 3 — Note: a week later than normal
due to facility availability October 31 December 10 January 31, 2009 It's easy to think of rock stars as burn-outs more concerned about sex and drugs than finance and marketing, but in reality, they display amazing business acumen the rest of us can learn from. In this fascinating presentation, Andrew Chapman will take us backstage in the rock music business and reveal marketing lessons from his new book, Rock to Riches: Build Your Business the Rock & Roll Way, that we can all benefit from. Consider that Paul McCartney and Sting are among the wealthiest people in the U.K. Consider that Bon Jovi (primarily thought of as an '80s band) grossed $77 million in 2007. Or consider that U2 brings in roughly $150,000 per show — just from merchandise sales. Jimmy Buffett may portray a laid-back, Margaritaville attitude, but he's known to go back to his hotel room after shows and tally up the day's income and expenses. You'll discover how the top rockers have achieved their success — and you'll learn exactly how you can apply their marketing savvy to your own online efforts as an author, publisher, or publishing professional. From Elvis in the 1950s to Coldplay today, rockers have set themselves apart from other types of musicians by putting as much effort into promotion as they do their songs. Those of us in publishing could learn a lot from them, such as:
Best of all, you can focus your marketing efforts online using all of these lessons, just as all successful rock musicians are nowadays. A longtime drummer and serial entrepreneur, Andrew Chapman has worked in almost every aspect of independent publishing for over twenty years. He is an award-winner writer, author of seven books and three audio books, president of PWSD, and a professional speaker with nearly 300 engagements to his credit throughout the U.S. and overseas. Andrew lives in the peaceful and rustic art town of Idyllwild, a mile high in the mountains above Palm Springs. His website is www.achapman.com. February 21, 2009 Whether a book title, series title, or company name, the name is the brand handle. Good companies and good products might succeed regardless of what you call them, but we are selling to humans, and humans react to known names and entities in a much quicker and more open manner. But where do we go to get good names anymore, how do we create them, how do we check them, how do we protect them, and how do we have some fun with them? At this presentation, Athol Foden of Brighter Naming will help you chart these challenges, then we will examine an author’s role in using and creating fine names, including how you name your book and your own business. March 28, 2009 Whether you are developing a pitch letter to an agent or publisher, crafting a press release for readers, or pitching the media to get an interview on a local radio program or article in a newspaper, the words you use to describe yourself and your book are critical components in your “branding” efforts. Outside the publishing world, marketers often do what is known as a “positioning workshop” that helps them to determine the key messages they will use for all marketing, PR and advertising campaigns moving forward. Beth Walsh will help you apply the science and art used in high tech PR to your book promotion. Attend this informative messaging workshop session to:
If you really want to get the most out of this session, you can do some homework in advance. Contact Beth@clearpointagency.com and she’ll send you a brief questionnaire (only for yourself, not required to be shared in the class unless you want to) that will help you to focus your efforts for maximum benefit. About the speaker: Beth Walsh is a principal partner and vice president of Clearpoint Agency, Inc., where she directs award-winning public relations and marketing communications efforts for clients in the software, financial services and biotech industries. As a published author of multiple articles and editor of hundreds of non-fiction documents over the past 30 years, Beth applies basic branding principles to everything she writes or edits. When her husband became an aspiring novelist, she found herself looking more and more at the publishing industry, and realized that all the positioning principles she normally applies to her clients also fit this industry. A natural mentor and teacher, Beth will share her insights with authors and publishers to support your book sales. Website: www.clearpointagency.com April 25, 2009 With the dramatic increase in high-speed Internet access and the ability to create digital content more easily than ever, the world of publishing is starting to embrace "new media." Simply put, new media includes Internet radio, podcasting, online audio and video, and other technologies that offer a richer experience for website visitors. And what this means for authors and publishers is a dynamic and more personal way to connect with their readers and followers. Not only that, these tools are becoming a common way that "old" media (newspapers, TV, radio) are finding their news, stories, and topics. Our guest speaker this month, Summer McStravick, will offer us her expertise and guidance on new media, including the following points:
About our guest expert As both developer and director of the HayHouseRadio.com online radio network, Summer Summer is a summa cum laude grad from the UCSD, mother of two, and successful career woman deeply knowledgeable in brand-building and multi-media broadcasting. You can learn more about Summer and her Flowdreaming books at www.Flowdreaming.com. May 23, 2009 This is the time to ask any and all burning or simmering questions you have about any part of publishing, for anyone in the room to answer. There are usually some folks in attendance who have a ton of publishing experience. It is typically one of the most popular meetings of the year. June 27, 2009 Guest Expert: Bob Baker Buzz-marketing expert and author Bob Baker will make a special appearance to give an exclusive
About the speaker: Bob Baker is a full-time author and independent publisher who has developed a successful niche writing and speaking about music marketing and self-promotion for songwriters, musicians, and bands. He served three terms as president of the St. Louis Publishers Association, is a regular presenter at IBPA's Publishing University, and is an advocate for the self-publishing movement. Get access to Bob's articles, ezine, blog, podcast, and video clips at FullTimeAuthor.com and TheBuzzFactor.com. August 1, 2009 Guest Expert: Maggie Anton Although thousands of good, maybe even great, novels are published every year and most of them quickly disappear from bookstore shelves—assuming they ever reach a bookstore shelf—our speaker's self-published historical novel, Rashi's Daughters: Book One—Joheved, generated over a thousand fan letters and sold over 26,000 copies in six printings, after which Penguin Books bought the rights to her next two titles in the series. Why was Joheved different? Why is it still selling well four years later? It's because she did everything she could at the beginning to launch her book properly. To learn exactly how she did it, you'll want to attend this meeting. Not only will our guest speaker tell all, she'll answer all your questions to help you build your sales from the ground up.
About the speaker: Maggie Anton was born Margaret Antonofsky in Los Angeles, California. Raised in a secular, socialist household, she reached adulthood with little knowledge of her Jewish religion. All that changed when David Parkhurst, who was to become her husband, entered her life, and they both discovered Judaism as adults. That was the start of a lifetime of Jewish education, synagogue involvement, and ritual observance. In 2006, Anton retired from being a clinical chemist in Kaiser Permanente's Biochemical Genetics Laboratory to become a fulltime writer. In 1997, as her children Emily and Ari left the house and her mother was declining with Alzheimer's Disease, Anton sought new interests. She became intrigued with the idea that Rashi, one of the greatest Jewish scholars ever, had no sons, only three daughters. Slowly but surely, she began to research the family and the time in which they lived. Much was written about Rashi, but almost nothing of the daughters, except their names and the names of their husbands. Legend has it that Rashi's daughters were learned in a time when women were traditionally forbidden to study the sacred texts. These forgotten women seemed ripe for rediscovery, and the idea of a book about them was born. Learn more about her book and her background at http://www.rashisdaughters.com August 29, 2009 This is the time to ask any and all burning or simmering questions you
have about any part of publishing, for anyone in the room to answer.
There are usually some folks in attendance who have a ton of publishing
experience. It is typically one of the most popular meetings of
the year. October 3, 2009 Guest Expert: Valerie Ann Nemeth What is copyright, what exactly does it protect — and when? What is the difference between copyright and trademark? What is Fair Use, exactly? And most important, what is Intellectual Property and what can I do with it? Valerie Ann Nemeth, Intellectual Property, Licensing, Copyright, and Trademark Lawyer will finally answer your questions about the legal aspects of publishing and how to protect your manuscript, your ideas, and your expertise. The concept of the ownership of property is nothing new. What makes the intellectual portion different is really more in the nature of the property itself, not so much in the rights, which are inherent in ownership. Basically, just as a real property owner has the right to evict an individual from his or her land, an owner of intellectual property has the right to exclude others from the use of that property without permission from the owner. Intellectual property can also be transferred like other forms of property through purchase, option, assignment or licensing. Where the intellectual nature of the property differentiates itself from other forms of property is that it is generally intangible, that is, it is the product of creation, concept, expression, invention, and other products of the mind, which may make it more difficult to define.
October 31, 2009 Jeniffer Thompson will be joining us Halloween morning (costumes optional) to teach us more about Web 2.0. Earlier this year, we had an overview of Web 2.0 (online social media), but Hartsock will go into more depth about three specific tools we can and should use— Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. About the speaker: Jeniffer Thompson is the co-founder of MonkeyCMedia, an Internet and Web design and marketing firm specializing in author services. She is also the author of Website WOW: How to Turn Your Website into Your Most Powerful Marketing Tool. The MCM website is www.MonkeyCMedia.com. December 10, 2009 This year PWSD will celebrate all the wonderful books and accomplishments of 2009 by having a cocktail party from 5:30 to 7:30 on Thursday, December 10. Join us for this celebration of books, reading, and publishing. 2008 ScheduleJanuary 26 — Secrets for Successfully Working with Your Printing Company February 23 — Achieving Traditional Book PR March 29 — Creating Best-Selling Book Proposals and Marketing Plans April 26 —Red Hot Internet Publicity and Virtual Author Tours May 24 — Open Group Discussion and Q&A June 28 — How to Get Your Book into Libraries July 26 — All About the Literary Agency Process August 30 — Open Group Discussion and Q&A September 27 — Audio and Video Podcasting for Authors and Independent Publishers October 25 —Do I Really
Need An Editor? December 6 — Holiday Social January 26, 2008 Join printing professionals Marty Gilliland and Chris Carpenter for a About Our Guest Experts
Marty has a unique connection to Publishers and Writers of San Diego. In 1994, new to Southern California and just setting up his territory, he decided to put together a one-day book production seminar. Another local publishing professional, Bob Goodman, quickly got on board. Together they formed a slate of speakers from among local area publishers and had a tremendous turn-out. By the end of the day the group was so excited they wanted to form an official group and meet on a regular basis. Bob Goodman took the reigns from there and, hence, we now proudly have the Publishers and Writers of San Diego. Throughout his work and education, Chris Carpenter has immersed himself February 23, 2008 Join business owner and literary publicist Tricia van Dockum for an informative discussion on how to successfully promote and gain exposure for your published book. Learn what steps to take and what you need to know to creatively set your book apart from all the others. About Our Guest Expert Tricia van Dockum began her publicity career working in the marketing department for Princess Cruises in Los Angeles. From there, Tricia worked in numerous publicity mediums, including March 29, 2008 Creating Best-Selling Book Proposals and Marketing Plans Resident Expert: Karla Olson Whether you are seeking a publishing partner or planning to publish independently, the first step in developing a project should be to write a book proposal, and the most important part of your book proposal is your marketing plan. Karla Olson of BookStudio will share with you strategies for how to determine who your market is, what they want to hear from you, and how you are going to let them know your book is out there. In addition, she will present the tried-and-true elements of a top-notch marketing plan and how to use it to drive the development of your book project. Karla Olson is a current PWSD board member. She has been in the publishing industry for over 20 years and is the co-founder of BookStudio, a publishing consultancy. Before founding BookStudio, she was the Creative Director of Tehabi Books, the founder of Via Press, and worked in the editorial departments of two major publishers in New York City. Learn more about BookStudio and its services at www.bookstudiobooks.com. April 26, 2008 If you think you have your Internet marketing covered with just a web • How to expand your platform and sell more books BONUS: Penny will even share some hints on how to market yourself on About Our Guest Expert Penny C. Sansevieri, CEO and founder of Author Marketing Experts, Inc., May 24, 2008 This is the time to ask any and all burning or simmering questions you have about any part of publishing, for anyone in the room to answer. There are usually some folks in attendance who have a ton of publishing experience. It is typically one of the most popular meetings of the year. June 28, 2008 Susan, an acquisition librarian with the Carlsbad City Library, will About Our Guest Expert Susan Simpson started her library career in the sixth grade, when she Susan has worked in many areas of the library, including reference July 26, 2008 As the number of published books and number of publishers increase each year, the role of literary agent has taken on increasing importance -- for both authors and publishers. In this presentation and question-and-answer session, you'll learn how to query agents, how the agency process works, what benefits agents offer, what agents are looking for, and much more. About Our Guest Expert Sally van Haitsma is a literary agent with the Castiglia Literary Agency. The agency has placed best-selling nonfiction and fiction titles with major publishers since 1993, also representing film and foreign rights. Sally's new sales include: Wesley the Owl by Stacey O'Brien (Simon & Schuster); Silverstein & Me by Marv Gold (Red Hen Press); America Libre and El Nuevo Alamo, a two-book deal by Raul Ramos y Sanchez (Grand Central); and The Leisure Seeker by Michael Zadoorian (HarperCollins). Actively seeking new authors, Sally is interested in commercial and literary fiction, narrative nonfiction, education, business and current affairs. She has a Masters in Communication from UC San Diego and graduated Phi Beta Kappa. August 30, 2008 This is the time to ask any and all burning or simmering questions you
have about any part of publishing, for anyone in the room to answer.
There are usually some folks in attendance who have a ton of publishing
experience. It is typically one of the most popular meetings of
the year. September 27, 2008 Audio and Video Podcasting for Authors and Independent Publishers Guest Expert: Mike Rounds Welcome to the world of diverse publishing methods including If you’ve ever considered Podcasting as a promotion or distribution • What is Podcasting? Mike Rounds is a professional speaker and a published author with over Mike is a graduate engineer, former director of a Fortune 500 Company, He and his partner Nancy Miller own Rounds, Miller and Associates in October 25, 2008 Many people contribute to a successful book; however, one person
is often overlooked—the editor. A great editor can turn a
good book into a great one. A bad editor, or no editor at all, can
turn a good book into a disappointment. Unfortunately authors and
publishers don't always appreciate what an editor can do for them.
More than just checking spelling, punctuation and grammar, editors
contribute to the making of great books at all stages of manuscript
development. They assert their influence from the inception of the
idea and organization and structure of the manuscript to crafting
powerful metaphors and commanding prose, checking facts, cross-checking
references, enforcing house styles, making sure page and line breaks
are proper and verifying page numbers.
NEW! Get a free copy of "What Editors Do" from this meeting. About Our Panel of PWSD Experts December 6, 2008 Please be our guest at our annual year-end celebration and social Saturday, December 6th, 10 AM to Noon, at our normal meeting location. This is your chance to mix, mingle, and meet with other publishing professionals in the area, as well as enjoy food, drink, prizes, and live music. Our celebration is open to members and non-members alike, at no cost—our gift to you for the holidays! 2007 ScheduleJanuary 27 — Marketing Your Book or Published Product From Unknown to Best-Seller February 24 — Blog Your Book: The Easy Way to Write and Market Your Book March 31 — Traveling the Traditional Publishing Path: Which Books Sell and Why April 28 — Creating Profitable Spin-Offs: Write Once, Sell Often May 26 — Everything You've Always Wanted to Ask About Publishing June 30 — Website WOW July 28 — The Top 10 Most-Effective Marketing Tactics You Can Do Today August 25 — More of Everything You've Always Wanted to Ask About Publishing September 29 — Behind the Printing Press: A Guided Tour of CPS Printing October 27 — Book Design Do's and Don'ts November & December — Holiday social in early December; no formal meeting these months ![]() Marketing Your Book or Published Product From Unknown to Best-Seller Guest Expert: Carolyn Howard-Johnson The publishing world has changed. Now the key to a book’s exposure and promotion is almost solely in the writer’s hands. If you are willing to accept that fact, you can construct the framework for your fiction or nonfiction book’s success long before it is published and promote it effectively after its release. In this session, you will learn:
About Our Guest Expert Carolyn Howard-Johnson is an award-winning author of both fiction and nonfiction. She is a former publicist for the New York PR firm that created the "10 Best Dressed" award, a marketing instructor for the UCLA Extension's Writers' Program, and the founder of a critique group for her city's library. She has appeared on hundreds of TV and radio stations, both nationally and locally and her poetry, essays, columns and stories are published frequently in literary journals, newspapers and on the Web. Her book, The Frugal Book Promoter: How to Do What Your Publisher Won't, also available in trade paperback, was named USA Book News' Best Professional Book 2004. She is the recipient of the Book Publicists of Southern California's Irwin Award and members of the California Legislature named her Woman of the Year in Arts and Entertainment and is an instructor for UCLA Extension's renowned Writers' Program. Her new book The Frugal Editor: Put Your Best Book Forward to Avoid Humiliation and Ensure Success will be released winter of 2006. Find Carolyn online at www.carolynhoward-johnson.com. ![]() Blog Your Book : The Easy Way to Write and Market Your Book Guest Experts: The Blog Squad — Patsi Krakoff, Psy.D. and Denise Wakeman One of the most important things an author needs in order to successfully market a book to a publisher is a ready-made audience and systems for marketing their work. Publishers want to know you can provide buyers for the book. A blog helps you build an audience of interested readers who will clamor for your book! You will learn:
About Our Guest Experts As The Blog Squad ™, Patsi Krakoff and Denise Wakeman have teamed up to work with authors, consultants and other solo professionals to maximize their marketing strategies by implementing ezines, blogs and ecommerce tactics. Their "blog crisis prevention" programs help turn ordinary blogs from boring to brilliant! Krakoff and Wakeman have co-authored Build a Better Blog: The Ultimate Guide for Boosting Your Business with a Professional Blog, Confessions of a Reluctant Blogger: From Boring to Brilliant in 30 Days, and the Blog to Book Project. Check out their blog at www.buildabetterblog.com. ![]() Traveling the Traditional Publishing Path: Which Books Sell and Why Lee Silber, Speaker and tour guide For this special meeting award-winning author will take you on a tour through Barnes & Noble to examine why some books are best-sellers and others end up on the remainder rack. He will explore and explain the valuable lessons learned from the success and failure of dozens of books now in bookstores. This is a hands-on, interactive and unique workshop that is guaranteed to teach you something you didn't know about the book business. You will gain more practical knowledge about what it takes to make it (and what pitfalls to avoid) as an author and/or publisher by seeing with your own eyes what works and what doesn't. We will...
About Our Guest Expert Lee Silber is the award-winning author of eleven published books including five self-published titles, four with Random House, one with St. Martin's Press and one with a small press. Silber's book Self-Promotion for the Creative Person won the prestigious Theodor S. Geisel Award. To learn more about Lee go to www.creativelee.com. ![]() Creating Profitable Spin-Offs: Write Once, Sell Often Resident Expert: Paulette Ensign What if people love the topic of your book but they don't like to read? They can still be your customers! Or what if they love your topic and want more or less depth? Sell them the alphabet soup of products – CDs, DVDs, PDFs, and MP3s for starters. Consider posters, teleclasses, e-courses, tip-a-day messages, T-shirts, and more — all based on your book. Create these products from your own company budget or license specific rights for the client to do all the work, in English and in other languages. Paulette Ensign, the Tips Booklet Queen, will show you how to take the printed word and turn it into many other products that go "ka-ching, ka-ching!" About Our Expert Paulette Ensign is the author of 110 Ideas for Organizing Your Business Life, a 16-page booklet that she has personally sold over a million copies in various languages and formats — without spending a penny in advertising. She has also written How to Write and Market Booklets for Cash, How to Promote Your Business with Booklets, and How to Make Huge Profits Licensing Your Booklet. Paulette has been a guest on radio and television shows, commercial teleseminars, in-flight audio programming, and as an in-person public speaker. She has had hundreds of articles published by and about her, and has contributed to more than a dozen books in the areas of publishing, small business, personal success, and marketing. For more details, go to www.tipsbooklets.com. ![]() Web Site WOW Now that you have written your book, it's time to make it a bestseller. Web site WOW will show you why a Web site can be one of your most powerful marketing tools. This seminar will get you off and running. Building a web site doesn't have to be painful. You'll learn:
Your portal to bestseller status is just a click away! About Our Guest Expert Jeniffer Thompson is president of Monkey C Media, a full design house offering web site services, screensavers, personalized blogs, photography, company collateral packages, branding, copy writing, copy editing and book cover design. Monkey C Media also offers author template sites for $700. Jeniffer is a freelance lifestyle writer in the San Diego area, has worked in the publishing industry for more than 10 years, and offers consulting services for authors and free web site analyses. Her latest book, Website WOW: How to Turn Your Web Site Into Your Most Powerful Marketing Tool will be available in 2007. Visit Monkey C Media at www.monkeycmedia.com. ![]() The Top 10 Most-Effective Marketing Tactics You Can Do Today Speaker: Andrew Chapman Authors, writers, and small
publishers everywhere struggle with promoting themselves. With all the
options available online for marketing — not to mention in the
real world — getting the word out is more daunting than ever. But
it doesn't have to be.
This program will reveal the key marketing techniques you can employ right away that will get you the most bang for the buck. No money or time for promotion? Don't worry … there are still ways you can successfully promote, and you'll learn them in this presentation. Andrew's experience as a coach, consultant, and speaker to authors and publishers has taught him that there are always things you can do to keep your marketing machine going. In this talk, he'll share his ten favorites — and you'll leave inspired and ready to put them into action. About Our Speaker Andrew Chapman is the current president of PWSD and has been in publishing for over 20 years. He is a recognized expert and professional speaker in the industry, having coached thousands of people individually and in audiences throughout the U.S., U.K., and Australia. Locally, he teaches publishing classes for Learning Annex. His current professional focus is reaching a broader audience to help authors through his new website AskThePublishingPro.com. For more info or to contact Andrew, visit www.AskThePublishingPro.com. September 29, 2007 Behind the Printing Press - A guided tour of CPS Printing in Carlsbad Guest Expert: Doug Strickland This will be a very special opportunity to see the workings of a traditional press in person. We'll be guided through the printing process and most likely see actual jobs in progress.
You'll be able to see:
Additionally, Doug will allow time for questions and answers as they relate to printing in general. About Our Guest Expert Doug Strickland has been in the printing industry for nearly two decades and has worked in almost every facet of the business. As a sales rep with CPS Printing, Doug's job is not only to bring in the work but to know everything about the operation so he can recommend the best process for his clients. Doug's knowledge has been an intregal part of CPS's success. CPS Printing started in 1989 as Carlsbad Printing Service — then a small shop featuring quick-print work and duplicating services — and is now a state-of-the-art full-service printing facility. CPS is ranked in the top five of all commercial printers countywide in sales volume. CPS’s 31,000 square-foot corporate headquarters and printing facility features a unique computer tracking system that traces every print project from its inception — whether it’s a simple one-color job or a sophisticated six-color die-cut assignment. CPS also features an electronic pre-press department that allows for printing preparations via the Internet. Attention to quality control and detail earned CPS its ISO 9001 certification in June 1998. This highly prestigious certification was earned in nine months — the typical period of review for ISO 9001 certification is two years. For more info on CPS Printing's capabilities, visit www.cpsprinting.com. ![]() Book Design Do's and Don'ts Guest Expert: Ellen Goodwin So you've written your draft. You've rewritten your draft. You've reworked your draft. You've cajoled friends into reading your draft. Now you think you might possibly be ready to take it from draft to final product — an actual book. The jump from concept to product is a big one which is fraught with decisions, questions, information overload and self doubt. What you decide will determine how or if your book sells. Do you design your book on your own? Do you hire a graphic designer? Do you go with the design services of a print-on-demand service? This talk will answer all of those questions and more:
About Our Guest Expert Ellen Goodwin is a graphic designer and the owner of Ellen Goodwin Graphics. Ellen designs and produces books for local authors and companies. Prior to opening her own business, Ellen worked in advertising both on a local and international level. Ellen strives to make all graphics do their job of communicating their message in a straightforward, informative and understandable format. Ellen lives and works in San Diego where she is assisted daily, whether she likes it or not, by her 21-year-old deaf cat. Ellen can be reached at ellengoodwin@cox.net. 2006 ScheduleJanuary 28 Marketing – 2006
Make it Your Best Year Yet February 25 Book Design Do's and
Don'ts March 25 Traveling the Traditional
Publishing Path a guided field trip to a local Barnes and Noble
bookseller April 29 Foreign Publishing Rights
- Expanding Your Reach Around the Globe May 27 Open Discussion June 24 Website Wow July 29 The Down and Dirty on Distribution August 26 Open Discussion September 30 Book Promotion for
the Reluctant Marketer October 28 Behind the Printing Press - A guided tour of CPS Printing in Carlsbad November & December – Holiday social in early December; no formal meeting these months January 28, 2006 Marketing Your Books – Make 2006 Your Best Year Yet Henry DeVries – Guest Expert Do you want to sell more books without breaking the bank? Come learn the self-marketing secrets of how to win the fame game. This talk is about using the latest marketing techniques to boost awareness for authors, professionals and consultants. The talk will cover:
Henry DeVries is a best-selling author, columnist, and founder of the New Client Marketing Institute. The author of Self-Marketing Secrets and Client Seduction, he is a sought-after speaker at chambers of commerce and trade and professional associations. In his talks Henry reveals more than 1,000 pragmatic strategies to achieve marketing returns of 400% to 2,000%. Henry’s mission is to make the latest research on finding new clients accessible to independent professionals, consultants and service business owners. Henry says his life highlights include teaching at the University of California San Diego since 1984, completing specialized studies at the Harvard Business School, and coming within one question of winning $13,000 on the TV game show Jeopardy! February 25, 2006 Book Design Do's and Don'ts Ellen Goodwin– Guest Expert So youâve written your draft. Youâve rewritten your draft. Youâve reworked your draft. Youâve cajoled friends into reading your draft. Now you think you might possibly be ready to take it from draft to final product — an actual book. The jump from concept to product is a big one which is fraught with decisions, questions, information overload and self doubt. What you decide will determine how or if your book sells. Do you design your book on your own? Do you hire a graphic designer? Do you go with the design services of a Print-on-Demand service? This talk will answer all of those questions and more:
About Ellen Goodwin Ellen Goodwin is a graphic designer and the owner of Ellen Goodwin Graphics. Ellen designs and produces books for local authors and companies. Prior to opening her own business, Ellen worked in advertising both on a local and international level. Ellen strives to make all graphics do their job of communicating their message in a straightforward, informative and understandable format. Ellen lives and works in San Diego where she is assisted daily, whether she likes it or not, by her 19-year-old deaf cat. Ellen can be reached at ellengoodwin@cox.net.
Traveling the Traditional Publishing Path: Which Books Sell and Why - a guided field trip to a local Barnes and Noble bookseller
For this special meeting award-winning author will take you on a tour through Barnes & Noble to examine why some books are best-sellers and others end up on the remainder rack. He will explore and explain the valuable lessons learned from the success and failure of dozens of books now in bookstores. This is a hands-on, interactive and unique workshop that is guaranteed to teach you something you didn't know about the book business. You will gain more practical knowledge about what it takes to make it (and what pitfalls to avoid) as an author and/or publisher by seeing with your own eyes what works and what doesn't. We will...
About Lee Silber
Lee Silber is the award-winning author of eleven books including five self-published titles, four with Random House, one with St. Martin's Press and one with a small press. Silber's book SELF-PROMOTION FOR THE CREATIVE PERSON won the prestigious Theodor S. Geisel Award. To learn more about Lee go to http://www.creativelee.com. April 29, 2006 Foreign Publishing Rights - Expanding Your Reach Around the Globe Building A Foreign Rights Revenue Stream With No Money Down! Bob Erdmann – Guest Expert Is the concept of foreign rights a big mystery to you? You have the feeling there’s money to be made with at, and you’re just not sure how to go about it all? This month’s speaker is one of the foremost experts in the field of foreign publishing rights. He will share, in plain simple English, how to expand your reach around the globe. Benefits of Selling Foreign Rights What Do Foreign Publishers Look For? The Process You’ve Received Interest From a Foreign
Publisher - Now What? Evaluating an Offer Contracts Foreign Rights Management
Publishing consultant Bob Erdmann's distinguished career spans four decades and includes all phases of book and magazine publishing. More than half of his long tenure in the publishing industry has been as consultant to literally hundreds of publishers of every size and shape. His clients have ranged from small, one-book, self-published authors to very large Fortune 500 companies. The first half of his long life in publishing saw him in senior management, executive capacities with well-respected high-profile publishing companies such as Macmillan Publishing, Peteresen Publishing, Pfeiffer & Company, and World Publications where his creative innovations in all phases of publishing-marketing, distribution, foreign rights, packaging, sales and more brought about countless successes. In 1978 Bob decided to share his successful publishing experience by opening his consultancy. For the next twenty-seven years his clients, whether large or small, have been provided with Bob's unique personal one-on-one attention, which in today's very impersonal world is greatly appreciated (and admired) by all. As a two-term president of the prestigious Publishers Marketing Association, Bob played major roles in many of the successful programs that PMA members enjoy today. He created PMA's Trade Distribution Program, which has resulted in more than $25,000,000 in sales for its members. He was also instrumental in guiding the organization onto the successful track that its Publishing University at BookExpoAmerica enjoys today. He has been an invited speaker at many publishing events throughout the world, and is the author of countless articles in several respected industry publications. Bob’s highly successful Frankfurt/Foreign Rights Program has been a source of significant revenue streams for his clients. He has successfully negotiated more that than 2500 foreign rights agreements on behalf of authors and publishers participating in his Program. Bob (a native Chicagoan) has been happily married to Dottie (an upstate New Yorker), his college sweetheart, for forty-seven years. They have raised five wonderful daughters-Kathy, Karen, Julie, Jenny and Mary, and are the proud grandparents of six boys and four girls. Bob & Dottie have lived most of their married lives in California, with a brief stop in the Colorado Rockies. They currently live in the Sierra Nevada foothills in California’s Mother Lode country. June 24, 2006 Web Site WOW About Jeniffer Thompson Now that you have written your book, it's time to make it a bestseller. Web site WOW will show you why a Web site can be one of your most powerful marketing tools. This seminar will get you off and running. Building a Web site doesn't have to be painful. We will teach you:
It's time for you have a Web site. Your portal to bestseller status is just a click away!! About Jeniffer Thompson Jeniffer Thompson is president of Monkey C Media,
a full design house offering Web site services, screensavers, personalized
blogs, photography, company collateral packages, branding, copy
writing, copy editing and book cover design. Monkey C Media also
offers author template sites for $700. Mrs. Thompson is a freelance
lifestyle writer in the San Diego area; she has worked in the publishing
industry for more than 10 years and offers consulting services for
authors and free Web site analyses. Her latest book, Website WOW;
How to turn your Web site into your most powerful marketing tool
will be available in June, 2006. Visit Monkey C Media at www.monkeycmedia.com. July 29, 2006 Book Promotion for the Reluctant Marketer Judy Cullins – Guest Expert Do you love to write, but wish someone else would do the promotion for you? Are you more of an introvert and don't want the limelight of speaking? Are you reluctant because you simply don't know how to market? In this talk, you will learn easy techniques for no- or low-cost promotions you can do in your home office.
You will learn how to:
Note: Judy will provide a valuable how-to handout for attendees. About Judy Cullins Judy Cullins has been doing book and internet marketing coaching for 20 years. She works with small business people and publishers who want to make a difference in people's lives, build their credibility and clients, and make a consistent life-long income. She's the author ten books including "Ten Non-Techie Ways to Market your Book Online," "The Fast and Cheap Way to Explode Targeted Web Traffic," and "How to Submit Articles to Web Sites Step-by-StepWrite". She offers free help through her two monthly ezines, "The Book Coach Says …" and "Business Tip of the Month" at www.bookcoaching.com. Behind the Printing Press - A guided tour of CPS Printing in Carlsbad Doug Strickland — Guest Expert and Tour Guide This will be a very special opportunity to see the workings of a traditional press in person. We'll be guided through the printing process and most likely see actual jobs in progress.
You'll be able to see:
Additionally, Doug will allow time for questions and answers as they relate to printing in general. About Doug Strickland and CPS Printing Doug Strickland has been in the printing industry for nearly two decades and has worked in almost every facet of the business. As a sales rep with CPS, Doug's job is not only to bring in the work but to know everything about the operation so he can recommend the best process for his clients. Doug's knowledge has been an intregal part of CPS's success. CPS Printing started in 1989 as Carlsbad Printing Service — then a small shop featuring quick-print work and duplicating services — and is now a state-of-the-art full-service printing facility. CPS is ranked in the top five of all commercial printers countywide in sales volume. CPS’s 31,000 square-foot corporate headquarters and printing facility features a unique computer tracking system that traces every print project from its inception — whether it’s a simple one-color job or a sophisticated six-color die-cut assignment. CPS also features an electronic pre-press department that allows for printing preparations via the Internet. Attention to quality control and detail earned CPS its ISO 9001 certification in June1998. This highly prestigious certification was earned in nine months — the typical period of review for ISO 9001 certification is two years. For more info on CPS Printing's capabilities, visit www.cpsprinting.com. |