1140 Oakcrest Park Drive
Encinitas, CA 92024
Stronger Together: Getting the Most Out of Your Association Memberships
Angela Bole, Executive Director of the Independent Book Publishers Association (www.ibpa-online.org), will describe how trade associations enable independent publishers to be competitive in a crowded market through educational and volunteer opportunities, consistent application of industry standards, and the preparation of future leaders. She will explicitly address the connection between IBPA and PWSD and how PWSD members can take advantage of the benefits IBPA provides. Angela will also discuss the upcoming Publishing Univeristy and the scholarship program with IBPA and PWS
Just before Angela became IBPA’s Executive Director, she was Deputy Executive Director of the Book Industry Study Group (BISG), which fosters conversation and consensus across all sectors of the book business. Before that, Angela served for two years as BISG’s Associate Director and two years as its Marketing and Communications Manager. Angela also serves as Treasurer on the Board of Directors of IDPF, the International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF).
I would like to attend today’s meeting.