Sponsorship and Crowdfunding for Authors with Charmaine Hammond

August 26, 2023 @ 10:30 am – 12:00 pm
ZOOM (Online) FREE
Karla Olson

Charmaine Hammond, an 11x best-selling author (five traditionally published books and featured in 11 other books including Chicken Soup for the Soul, twice!) is an expert at using sponsorship to fund book launches, virtual and in-person book and speaking tours and making your book a business. Learn how sponsorship can help you, and, as an added bonus, you will learn some tips on crowdfunding your book.

speaker-Charmaine-Hammond-photo-in-blue-dressAbout the Speaker
Speaker and consultant Charmaine Hammond is the author of several business books including Bounce Forward: Building Inspired Resilient Teams, is co-author of GPS Your Best Life - Charting Your Destination and Getting There in Style, and is a featured author in Road Map to Success with Dr. Ken Blanchard and Dr. Deepak Chopra. She is also featured in five other books, has authored a children’s series of books, and has been published in numerous publications including Workplace Health & Safety Magazine, Workplace.ca Magazine, Human Resources Institute of Alberta, ACSW Advocate, Be Fabulous Magazine, Womanition Magazine to name a few.

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