Canaries in the Coal Mine

December 31, 1969 @ 4:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Carlsbad (Dove) Library
1775 Dove Lane
Plaza Paseo Real, Carlsbad, CA 92011
$20.00 ($10.00 for Members)
Karla Olson

Lessons and Insights for Publishers from Digital Music, Video and Content Marketing


David Wogahn

Thanks to the ease of producing and distributing eBooks, a rich ecosystem is evolving to support indie authors and non-traditional publishers. Music, the first digital media impacted by the evolution of the Internet, sheds light on where we are headed. Musicians (and labels) have learned that it takes multiple revenue streams and adept use of social media and online marketing to attract an audience. Online video isn’t far behind. Have you noticed how many eBook subscription services like to call themselves “the Netflix of books”?

Content marketing—using your information as a form of advertising—can be a construct to guide us in building our platforms and launching a book. How are fiction and non-fiction indie publishers tapping the power of content marketing to sell more books and raise their personal visibility?

eBooks continue to shape our marketing and editorial decisions. Join us on September 27th when David Wogahn returns for our 4th annual update on the state of eBook publishing.


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