Most authors are incredible at writing their books and overwhelmed at the marketing needed to engage their audience. You've probably read how-to guides, searched Google, and talked to every friend you know but you're still unsure how to market your book effectively. In the meantime, your beautiful book is printed and all you want is for more people to read it. It's so frustrating!
Can I tell you a secret—one that many "experts" would rather you not know? If your audience doesn't understand how your book helps them, it doesn't matter how big your marketing budget is or what you spend it on. People buy your book because they read or hear words that make them want to buy. When your marketing is working, your audience will be engaged, listen, and buy your book!
About the Speaker
As the CEO of Evolve Global Marketing and a Certified StoryBrand Guide, Kimjera Whittington created: How to Use Story-based Marketing to Talk about Your Book so People will Listen.