Join war-survivor and author Sahar Paz for an intimate book reading and chat Tuesday, April 14th in Oceanside. She will be reading a creative non-fiction story from her memoir and reflection guide titled Find Your Voice. Read on for an excerpt:
"The thunder of my dad’s voice was nothing compared to the shrieking sirens that woke us up nightly.
The war between Iran and Iraq was no longer reserved for the borders. Tehran and its citizens were now the main target.
In a hushed stampede we would leave our apartment, stop one floor down to fetch my grandparents, and continue to shuffle down to the basement, waiting for the ultimate tremble.
The trembles that would light up the black of the night.
The bass that would shake our bodies and our buildings.
The songs of bombs that would paint the town what used to be my favorite color—red.
The thoughts of what I would wake up to the next day always kept me up far later than the bombs did."